The Cape Community Farm

The Cape Community Farm is nestled within the Cape ecovillage located in Cape Paterson in South Gippsland, Victoria. Operating as a not-for-profit organisation it grows wonderful fresh produce in around 350 Foodcube Wicking beds. Some of these beds are managed by the farmer as commercial garden and some are managed by the farm members who can rent plots and grow their own delicious food.


A productive, sustainable and carbon neutral community garden was always part of the vision for The Cape. With farm membership open to all in Cape Paterson, it was planned to be a welcoming destination and a beautiful piece of unifying community infrastructure to help connect the new Cape community with the older existing township.

The farm was researched and designed to ensure it was water efficient, drought proof, weather protected, ergonomic, and functioned well with a variety of growing areas including water efficient wicking beds, rainwater harvesting, habitat and fruit trees, water recycling, social spaces and a farmhouse with a kitchen.

Built in 2016, the first trial part of the farm grew fresh food for locals and food charities. In 2021, the larger farm replaced that trial garden, incorporating many valuable lessons learnt. When the final farmhouse and residents’ building are completed in 2025, the farm will be fully functional with large growing areas, all weather social and learning spaces, a nursery, compost hubs, beekeeping, outdoor classroom, kitchen, and much more.


It’s exciting to think about the future of The Cape Community Farm. Our members, volunteers, farmer and committee are all working hard to ensure the farm reaches its full potential.

We plan to:
grow our membership and volunteer base; increase the volume and quality of food produced; host more events, schools and community groups; encourage the sharing of knowledge to help more people grow more food; contribute to the food availability, equity and security in Cape Paterson and beyond; develop a diverse income base to ensure our farm is economically viable and well resourced; build partnerships with other community farms across Victoria, Australia and beyond.

With increasing challenges to our food system - including water stress and climate change - urban agriculture, sustainable living and community gardens will become increasingly important going forward. For these reasons, everyone involved with The Cape Community Farm are committed to seeing it thrive and grow into the future.

Farm Contributors

Sure, the farm is place to grow things - vegetables, connections and knowledge just to name a few. But it couldn't do any of this without the people that inhabit the farm space and bring along the joy, knowledge, passion and fun to everything that goes on both in the farm and behind the scenes.


Volunteering is a great way to meet other members, increase your social networks and contribute to the function and growth of the farm. Incidental knowledge sharing is often a fantastic by-product of volunteering, both in the giving and the receiving of knowledge and experience. Building one’s community and increasing one’s sense of contribution is a foundation pillar of good mental health, as is just connecting with the physical environment and getting one’s hands in the dirt.

Volunteering opportunities at the farm include harvesting produce for market sales and charity; plant propagating and seed raising; and general tasks such as weeding, watering, mulching and planting to name just a few. Our volunteers help run our Saturday market, help with construction and modifications; and of course, with committee involvement.

With the planned growth of the farm, volunteers will play an even more active and important role as farm enterprises expand. Volunteering is open to anyone who is keen to learn more about our farm.

From Adrian: The Farmer

It's been a great privilege to manage The Cape Community Farm as the residential ‘Farmer’ and to work so closely with such an inspiring community to activate this incredible space.

My background in community food activism and community food projects started 14 years ago when I completed a permaculture design course (PDC in Tasmania). I found this to be a transformative experience inspiring me to commit to a life centred in sustainability. I went on to owner build a straw bale house on Phillip Island, founded a community garden and ‘heathy living precinct’ in partnership with the Phillip Island Community House, worked as the Community Gardens Facilitator for the Bass Coast Shire, a Food System Projects Officer for the Primary Care Partnership (PCP) and then as a Horticulture Trainer at the Bass Coast Adult Learning Centre where I designed and built up the Horticulture Certificate Program.

My qualifications are Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Education (Secondary), Certificate III Amenity Horticulture and Certificate IV Trainer and Assessor TAFE.

Horticultural students at the farm

Set in beautiful architecturally landscaped grounds and working with state of the art wicking garden beds, The Cape Community Farm is well suited to hosting student placements. At present we are hosting two Horticulture Certificate III Students from the Bass Coast Adult Education Centre.

These students participate for a full day per week and are involved in every aspect of day-to-day operations of the farm. Through their participation and engagement with the farm they're able to get invaluable hands-on experience, preparing them for working in the Horticulture Industry. The farm also gains a huge benefit in what is able is be achieved on a week-to-week basis.

We welcome contact with other training providers to organise student placement opportunities, so get in touch with our farmer to see how we can help your students.

The Farm Committee

The Cape Community Farm committee is responsible for the operation and oversight of the farm as outlined in our Rules of association (poss. Link to the rules?).

Meetings are held on a monthly basis where upcoming activities events and fundraising are organised and planned; operation of the farm is managed; feedback from members discussed; finances reviewed; working groups and volunteering opportunities explored; and marketing and communication strategies developed. And lastly, anything that contributes to making the farm community a great place to be a part of is up for discussion.

The committee is made up of a President; Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer and up to six Ordinary members (we actually think they are Extra-ordinary as they provide a significant diversity of input). All committee members are appointed by a vote at the AGM, generally held in October/ November.

Supporting the community

The Cape Community Farm is committed to providing support to local charities and food banks through weekly produce donations. We currently support three charities across the Bass Coast on a weekly basis. During the farm's first twelve months of operation, it donated over $14,000 of value in produce to these charities.

One of The Cape Community Farm's missions is to promote a healthier and more sustainable way of living while also giving back to our community. We believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact on our local environment and the world around us.


The Cape Community Farm has been supported by major investment from the directors and investors behind The Cape community. This investment has underwritten the establishment of the farm including earthworks, drainage, buildings, watering and food growing systems, landscaping and fencing, staffing costs and buildings to be completed in 2024/2025. By the time buildings are completed, the total financial support for the farm will exceed $3 million.

The Office of Living Victoria provided a $400,000 grant in 2015, which funded the construction of the 230,000 litre rainwater tank and associated rainwater harvesting infrastructure. This helps it become drought-proof into the future.

The investment of funds and time by Live at the Cape have made The Cape Community Farm possible. Design and construction has been undertaken by The Sustainable Landscape Company.

The Community Farm Facilities

Farm House

The Farm House and event spaces are exciting developments of the farm and the build is expected to start in 2025.
Stay tuned for more information.


Propagated onsite in the farm's greenhouse, the nursery provides vegetable seedlings, ornamentals, indigenous and other native plants available for purchase. These plants are grown onsite, so you know they are hardened for growing in our challenging conditions.

Learn more

Event Space:The Pod

The Farm's first event space was completed in 2024. The Pod (as it is lovingly known) is used primarily as a potting space and seed storage facility. However, with its clever configuration, it can also be used as a space for events, workshops, and informal gatherings.
Stay tuned for more information